6 reasons why you should choose our CLAT Test Gym

Trusted by the best since 1995

With the success rate of our students 6 times more than the national average, CL LST is trusted by law students across the country for CLAT preparation.

Practice-based Learning

Our tests have been designed to help you understand complex concepts through regular problem-solving.

Sharp Sectional & Topical Focus

Besides attempting full-length CLAT mocks, take specific sectional and topical tests for comprehensive preparation.

Performance Analysis

Make the most of our Overall Performance Analysis and Drill-down Analysis tools. Identify your weak sections and topics, and improve upon them.

CL for CLAT Preparation

Career Launcher is a powerful tool that provides an analytics-driven performance breakdown of your tests. Along with exam schedules, online tests, GK, and Weekly Legal updates, it has every feature a student needs for CLAT preparation.

24x7 accessible study

Study anywhere, anytime; and practice at your own pace.

About CLAT Test Gym


Who is this for?

Our CLAT Test Gym has been designed specifically for Law aspirants who seek to improve their preparation by continuously testing their knowledge. It is most beneficial for people who like to practice tests at their own pace.


How does it help prepare for Law exams?

Besides providing a plethora of mock questions on an interactive digital platform, Test Gym provides access to multiple tools that share your detailed performance analysis. This helps you identify strong and weak sections, and develop an effective exam strategy accordingly.

Our Testimonials

CL LST is an ideal coaching institute for LAW. The material provided by them is comprehensive and the mocks are worth it. It helps tremendously for the preparation and consequently, the real exam seems just like yet another mock. The faculty is extremely helpful. I recommend this coaching institute to anyone who is preparing for Law Entrance Exam.

Ritik Tyagi

I am bereft of words to thank CL LST Andheri for helping me achieve this accolade. Teachers and staff were always eager to help aspirants. LST's study material, online mocks and Test Gym proved to be tremendously useful in my Law entrance preparation. CL LST Andheri has played a vital role in my success.

Dhanishta Mukesh Mittal

Frequently asked questions

Attempting CLAT mocks is one of the most efficient ways to improve your performance in CLAT, AILET, SET and all leading Law entrance exams. Our Test Gym offers topical, sectional and full-length CLAT practice papers with detailed performance analysis. You can also filter questions by difficulty level, bookmark pertinent questions and check solutions. Make the most of our personalised analysis tools to identify your strong and weak areas. Learn how to manage time and develop an efficient exam strategy.

Each student should know their own strong and weak areas. They should work on them by taking CLAT mocks to excel in the test. Once the student is clear about their strengths and weaknesses, they should attempt their stronger areas first and avoid weaker ones, considering the negative marking scheme in the CLAT paper. This will also help students to form their strategy.

CLAT likes to throw surprises, leaving students bewildered in the examination halls. CLAT 2022, for instance, had a very difficult and extensive general knowledge and current affairs section, making it a surprise for every candidate. Thus, it's better to go with an open mind and be ready to field the googlies. The major challenge lies in managing time and understanding the navigation system in this exam. Make sure to make the most of your detailed performance analysis available in Test Gym to identify and work on your strengths and weaknesses.

Yes, loyalty offer is available for LST students of the last 3 years who have purchased programs worth Rs. 6000 and above. It can be availed by using your previous enrolment ID in the discount code field.

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