23 october 2023, 9:42 AM


Time Management for Law Students

The most important step for every law student is to first conquer time management and likewise many would agree that time management is indeed crucial and a great challenge. As a law student, you must try to figure out everything and set a time accordingly for every task. While some may excel at it, some may not. But once you know how to use your time efficiently, nothing can go wrong. Mentioned below are a few tips on how to manage your time to ensure success and a bountiful career as a future lawyer.

Define Your Goals

Be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) while defining your goals. Be very clear and set goals that are achievable within a reasonable timeframe. Note down everything you need to do to achieve your goals and as you complete them one by one, make sure to shift them to a ‘completed’ list. Each week, list down the schedule for the following week. Don’t forget to check it every now and then to see if you’re following the right track.

Create a Schedule 

Creating a routine and keeping track of everything you do will save you from all the headaches. Having a schedule also helps decision-making easier. Though this may be extremely important, you must treat these schedules seriously, and should be non adjustable. Giving yourself the complete authority to say no when someone requests to disrupt your schedule. Hurrying through assignments or studying at the last minute will potentially compromise your efforts. 

Organize Your Workload

Learn to say no to requests as this will give you enough time to focus on your goals, and more time to manage your workload. Also, try to balance your work life and your personal life. Take breaks and do daily activities to loosen up and work on your energy levels.

Take Study Breaks

Include study breaks in your routine so that you can relax and rejuvenate for a few minutes. It doesn’t have to be a long break but just about 5-10 minutes in between your study session will be more than enough to recharge your body.

Get rid of Distractions

Life in general is filled with distractions but the even bigger distraction is none other than your phone. Every notification and vibration disrupts your concentration. So instead of letting your phone dominate you, learn to stay focused and during study hours, you can switch off your phone or keep it far away from you. That way you won’t feel tempted to use your phone or check the notifications.