6 October 2023, 2:02 PM

Last Minute Prep for Current Affairs: Including General Knowledge

During the last remaining days of the law exam, students are advised not to add any new topics as this will lead to confusion. Rather, students must adhere to what they have already learned. But make sure to revise the topics and review the performance. 

The last days are very crucial and hence, one should try to stay calm and composed and avoid any distractions. Stay focused and try not to get nervous as many students tend to get exam anxiety at the very last moments. Be positive and believe that you will do well. Keep revising the topics or notes you wrote down during the preparation. This will aid you to remember the concepts. Go for section-wise mocks to review your preparedness. Here are some tips for last-minute preparation for the Law School Test (LST) with a focus on current affairs and general knowledge.

> Make sure to stay updated: Read news from credible sources online and in print. To stay updated on the latest affairs, concentrate on important topics such as politics, international relations, legal cases, and societal issues.

> Improve your reading comprehension skills: Try to improve your reading comprehension aptitudes by practicing with various materials. Look over articles, essays, and legal passages to enhance your comprehension level of complicated texts.

> Assess legal concepts and fundamentals: Acquaint yourself with legal concepts and fundamentals such as court procedures and landmark cases. Awareness of legal concepts is vital for responding to related questions.

> Practice mock tests: Put a timer on while practicing mock tests to simulate exam settings. Using this method will aid you to use your time wisely and get familiarized with the format of Law School Exam questions.

> Enhance your analytical and logical reasoning: These sections are very important in law school entrance exams. Make sure to practice solving these sections to brush up your knowledge. Concentrate on comprehending the layout of statements and illustrating accurate judgments.

> Check past years question question papers: Accustomed yourself to the varieties of questions asked in past LST exams. This can provide you with important insights into the question patterns and assist you in identifying areas where you require improvement.

> Be calm and optimistic: The most important thing to remember during such crucial times is to stay calm and optimistic during the exam. Believing in your abilities and preparation can make a huge difference in your performance.

> Talk with peers: Immerse in discussions with your friends who are also preparing for the same examination as you are. Clarifying concepts or sharing ideas with others can strengthen your own knowledge and enable you to retain information better.

> Get enough rest: Make sure to have plenty of rest, eat well, and stay hydrated. Keeping your body and mind healthy will aid you to perform your best.