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Many CLAT aspirants ponder upon the question, “How to prepare for CLAT without coaching”, so we have tried to consider their query and present a comprehensive plan of action to crack CLAT without coaching.   

To do this, applicants must implement a well-planned and well-thought-out CLAT preparation strategy for 2025. We’ve listed all the important aspects surrounding how to study for CLAT without coaching that will help candidates score well on the exam.

CLAT Preparation 2025: Exam Highlights

Before we jump in and present you with the important points to focus on, it’s important to look at some of the key exam highlights. 

CLAT 2025 Highlights



CLAT full form

Common Law Admission Test

Mode of Exam



2 hours

Question Format

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Maximum Questions


Maximum Marks


Exam Sections 

  • English Language
  • Current Affairs & General Knowledge
  • Legal Reasoning
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Quantitative Techniques

Frequency of Exam

Once a year

Medium of Exam


Marking Scheme

1 mark for every correct answer and -0.25 marks for each incorrect answer.

Time Management for CLAT Preparation Without Coaching

Following a schedule daily for any exam is super important to score well. With CLAT it’s best to divide the five sections into a fixed timetable for their preparation.

Time Allocation for CLAT Sections

Preparation Focus

Time Allotment

Reading (Newspapers, Magazines, etc)

1:00 – 1:30 hours

Quantitative Techniques


Legal Reasoning


Static GK (topic-wise)

30 minutes

Revision (daily)


CLAT Prep Without Coaching: Expert Tips

Finally, let’s look at some crucial CLAT preparation 2025 tips for mastering the code to crack CLAT without coaching

1. Start Your Prep Early

The first and most important step toward successful CLAT preparation is to begin studying as soon as possible. Starting early with preparation helps to complete the CLAT curriculum on time, giving you plenty of opportunities to practice previous years' question papers and mock examinations. 

As a result, rather than waiting until the last two or three months, begin CLAT preparation right now.

2. Create a Study Plan

To ace CLAT 2025, you must carefully arrange your study plan. Candidates are urged to create weekly and monthly timetables outlining which courses and topics to study and how much to study. 

Candidates should study for seven to eight hours every day, with one-hour breaks every two hours. Listening to music, viewing films, resting, and so on are all ways to rejuvenate during pauses. Remember that to do well on the CLAT, you must remain cool, which necessitates taking frequent rests between studying.

3. Focus on Weak Areas

During CLAT preparation, you’ll discover areas and disciplines you are poor in. In such circumstances, more effort should be made to reinforce weak areas for the exam by going over the basics again and discussing the topic(s) with fellow aspirants and mentors, if possible.

Candidates can also access online videos to help them understand the fundamentals of issues that require further clarification.

4. Practice Regularly

Practicing previous years' CLAT question papers and mock exams is essential for passing the national-level law entrance exam. 

While applicants should continue to practice questions for various parts during their regular course of study, they should also take prior year question papers and CLAT mock tests once they have completed the CLAT syllabus.

5. Revise Often

Revision is necessary to keep previously learned things in mind for an extended period of time. Candidates are recommended to allocate five days for study and two days for review in their weekly schedule.

CLAT Self-Study Tips

One of the best ways to prepare for CLAT 2025 without coaching is to look up to previous years' exam winners and their study tactics. Some of the topper's tips from last year are given below.

  • Plan your preparation in two halves: dedicate the first part to the preparation of weaker portions and the following part to the preparation of all sections.
  • Prepare a subject-wise timetable for every day.
  • Stick to the timetable and extend yourself to cover a variety of topics.
  • Study at least three subjects every day, even the ones you are poor in.
  • To improve your speed in the test, practice as many CLAT question papers as feasible.
  • Take as many CLAT mock tests as possible.
  • Analyze your mocks and focus on your deficiencies.

The following tips listed below are the most effective for passing the CLAT English language section.

  • Building a solid vocabulary and increasing your reading speed without sacrificing accuracy are the best ways to prepare for the English part
  • An aspirant is expected to read over 12,000 words within 2 hours of the exam and comprehend them simultaneously to pick the right answer—so English as a subject is uncompromisable for CLAT 2025. 
  • Make an effort to learn at least 15-20 new English words every day. While there is no test of your vocabulary in CLAT; it is important that aspirants acquaint themselves with newer words to make reading easier. 

Preparing for Legal Reasoning in CLAT

Apart from being adept at reading and comprehending, the legal reasoning section of the exam also expects the candidate to read and comprehend within the legal context. So aspirants are also expected to:

  • Know the important legal maxims for CLAT.

  • Aspirants are advised to take references from CLAT Previous Year’s Question papers to decipher the repeating topics within the legal reasoning section and get a stronghold of those concepts.
  • Make a habit of looking at current affairs with a legal eye.

  • Involve yourself in groups and communities that get into fruitful discussions and debates on legal maxims and their application. This will help you open up to newer and more logic backed perspectives. 

Preparing for Current Affairs and General Knowledge in CLAT

The current affairs and GK section of CLAT focuses on world events going on (around 1 year in relevancy) and other general knowledge questions. Follow the tips below to be well-prepared for this section.

  • Keep up-to-date on all of the important events that have occurred in the last 8-9 months.
  • Keep track of all important dates in history, sports, and so forth.
  • Read newspapers and publications to stay up to date on current events.
  • Make a habit of reviewing static GK subjects and current events regularly.

Preparing for Logical Reasoning in CLAT

The Logical Reasoning section of CLAT will measure your logical ability. Here are some strategies for acing this section.

  • Concentrate on topics such as blood relations, analogies, syllogism, and logical sequence. 
  • Questions from this section will be simple to answer if you have understood the fundamental ideas behind them. So brush up on your logical thinking ability.
  • There needs to be more than just knowing the fundamentals to do well in this area. So make sure you practice by answering various puzzles and thinking issues.
  • Solve logical thinking problems from sample papers and take practice examinations.

Preparing for Quantitative Technique in CLAT

On the face of it, CLAT Math is a significantly low-weightage section of the paper and can be missed from the radar. But as per CL-LST Gurus, the Quantitative Techniques section is the deciding factor for aspirants, when it comes to the brand of NLU they will get.

  • Concentrate on the basic mathematical operations, like ratios and proportions, basic algebra, mensuration, and statistical estimation first.
  • Then move to apply those concepts to the question forms that appear in CLAT.
  • Finally, time yourself while doing the CLAT Quantitative Techniques question sets. This is the most crucial aspect of this section and aspirants must try to cut down on time by practicing more and more within a set time. 

CLAT Previous Year’s Question Papers

There is absolutely no better teacher than the past year’s question papers for CLAT. They help aspirants assess the exam for themselves. Following are the ways in which an aspirant can use the previous year’s question papers in their stride.

  • Before even looking at the previous year’s CLAT papers, an aspirant should take the exam as is. This will instantly reflect your footing in the competition. 
  • Once you have taken the exam; do not forget to analyze it for the topics and an aspirant’s personal strengths and weaknesses.
  • As aspirants proceed with covering the syllabus; they should try to study the previous year’s question papers simultaneously. It will keep them in check with the actual examination. 
  • Study the previous year’s paper and make a pattern and personalized strategy to crack CLAT.

Suggested Readings

Frequently asked questions


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