Clearing the CLAT exam on the first try requires constant work along with the proper preparation strategy. The key to knowing how to crack CLAT is to properly comprehend the principles of each topic from all five sections:

Along with studying the topics covered in the CLAT syllabus, there is much more you must accomplish to pass the exam with flying colors. Read along as we devise a cutthroat study plan to pass CLAT with ease.

Understanding the CLAT Exam Pattern

Before diving into the study plan it’s crucial to understand the CLAT exam pattern.

Understanding the exam format is critical for preparing for any exam. It will help you figure out the no. of questions, marks distribution, type of questions, and more. The table below shows an overview of the CLAT exam pattern.

CLAT Exam Pattern

Mode of the Exam

Offline (Pen and Paper-based Test)

Type of Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Exam Duration

2 Hours (120 minutes)

CLAT Exam Sections

  • English Language
  • Legal Reasoning
  • Quantitative Techniques
  • Logical Reasoning, and
  • Current Affairs, and General Knowledge.

Total Questions in CLAT


CLAT Total Marks


CLAT Negative Marking

0.25 marks deduction for each incorrect response.

How to Crack CLAT Exam: Study Guide

To understand how to crack CLAT, you must do much more than simply study the topics in the curriculum. Here are some crucial ways to include in your study guide as you prepare for the CLAT exam.

Start your Preparation Early

One of the most important CLAT preparation recommendations is to begin studying early. CLAT preparation should begin at least 3-6 months before the exam. If you begin your preparation early, you will have plenty of time to learn the topics and solve questions from the sample papers.

Furthermore, you will get adequate time to prepare mock examinations and review crucial topics. Having said that, there is always time to begin your test preparation! All you need is the appropriate plan and persistence to pass any exam.

Follow a Timetable

Following a timetable that you can adhere to is one of the most important parts of the CLAT study plan. Organize the topics in order of importance, from most vital to least important.

Do not Include all of the difficult subjects in your study schedule at once. A balance of difficult and simple subjects/topics can help you stay consistent. Set a time limit for each concept you learn. Furthermore, remember to include review time for each topic in your study schedule.

A reference timetable is given below. However, you can modify it as per your suitability.

CLAT Timetable


Preferred Time Allotment

Newspaper Reading

30-45 Minutes

Puzzles/Analytical Reasoning

1 Hour

GK & Current Affairs

1 Hour

Passages & Grammar

1.5-2 Hours

Revising the topics & planning for the next day

1.5 Hours

Practice Previous Years’ Papers

Once or twice weekly

Solve Mock Tests

On the weekends

Section-Wise Time Management

Given the exam's negative marking pattern, you must strike a balance between speed and accuracy. Reading comprehension, legal reasoning, and logical thinking questions take time to complete. As a result, you must organize your time correctly.

The table below illustrates how much time you should spend on each section of CLAT daily.

CLAT Section-Wise Time Management


Time Allotment

English Language

20-25 minutes

Current Affairs & GK

10-15 minutes

Logical Reasoning

20-25 minutes

Legal Reasoning

20-25 minutes

Quantitative Techniques

15-20 minutes

Read the Newspaper Daily

The CLAT question paper will feature questions based on excerpts from various newspaper stories. Reading the newspaper can help you enhance your vocabulary and prepare for the general knowledge portion. Some good English newspapers are "The Indian Express" and "The Hindu."

Solve Sample Papers and Mock Tests

Another one of the most effective ways to prepare for an entrance exam like CLAT is to solve the CLAT mock test and sample papers. It will allow you to assess your level of preparedness and improve in areas where you are lacking.

Furthermore, you will have an understanding of the various sorts of questions that will be given in the test. As a result of having completed multiple mock exams, you will be more confident on exam day.

Guidance and Mentorship

Without guidance, candidates may find it difficult to prepare for admission tests such as CLAT. Seeking mentoring or participating in CLAT online coaching is an efficient strategy to prepare for the CLAT.

The coaching institute's qualified teaching specialists will clear up any confusion and point you in the proper route. We, at LST are committed to fulfilling the dreams of students and helping them bring the best out of themselves.

Also Read: How to Prepare for CLAT in 30 Days

CLAT Preparation: Section-Wise Preparation Tips and Books

Each preparation method is unique, but achieving the intended result is critical. You now have a study guide for CLAT, but what about subject-specific preparation?

To help you prepare, we have compiled a list of subject-specific tips and tactics from our CL-LST expert team.

CLAT Section-Wise Preparation Tips

CLAT Sections

Important Books

Preparation Tips

English Language

The Pearson Guide to the CLAT

Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis

Read the editorial section of the newspaper every day.

Improve vocabulary by noting new words every day.

Understand grammatical fundamentals and practice regularly.

Current Affairs including General Knowledge

Manorama Year Book

General Knowledge 2023, 2023 by Arihant Publications

Read reputable newspapers, such as The Hindu regularly.

Make brief notes on facts to remember events of national importance.

While preparing for static GK, focus more on themes connected to history, art, and culture.

Legal Reasoning

Pearson's Legal Awareness and Legal Reasoning

Pearson’s Guide to the CLAT

Spend a minimum of two hours reading newspapers and blogs.

Read articles on static and current legal topics.

Improve your legal vocabulary by marking and analyzing complicated terminology in articles, blogs, and newspapers.

Logical Reasoning

A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by RS Aggarwal

Analytical Reasoning (English) by MK Pandey

Learn shortcuts for solving difficulties.

Important subjects to prepare include connections, analogies, logical sequences, and arguments.

Practice as many questions as possible.

Quantitative Techniques

Pearson's Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations

Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal

Refer to Class 8-10 NCERT books and clear the basics.

Practice often to verify that there are no calculation mistakes.

Learn shortcuts for solving questions.

CLAT Previous Year’s Question Papers

The best way to understand an exam and its pattern fully is to study the trajectory of the exam across the years. CLAT Previous Year’s Question Papers can help aspirants deep dive into the CLAT examination and its expectations.

Merely studying the CLAT question paper of previous years can help aspirants make a lot of observations, like: